Cara Instal Direct X

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Would you like to play the latest and biggest Windows games? Now comes the trickyquestion, how exactly perform you perform that? Linux uses OpenGL, whereas many Windows games rely on DirectX. No problem.That's what can be made for.IntroductionI've described Wine in my hówto, as one óf the toolsthat aIlow you to run Windows games in Linux, for whatever cause you may need to perform so. The outcomes may vary andmay not really be perfect, but you can still handle a good looking assortment of games effortlessly.What caused me to consider running one of the Home windows heavyweight games on Linux has been the 100 % pure simple hardwarelimitation. The video game in query was Tropico 3, a fabulous dictatorship simulation with some pretty heftyrequirements, including 2GB of Memory and at minimum 256MW Nvidia 6600GCapital t card. As it becomes out, my two old Athlonsboth working Windows and outfitted with Nvidia 6600GCapital t and 7600GTestosterone levels cards had been not precisely customized for this game.But if you remember, I've just recently bought myself a shiny brand-new, with the effective Nvidia 9600GH card with 512MW VRAM.

So l figured,what thé hell, it't well worth a try out.What I do had been install DirectX 9.0c in Linux making use of Wine and after that set up Tropico 3. Lo and behold, it works,beautifully. I can play the game with details arranged to higher without any complications or glitches, everything runssmoothly and also the good quality will be great.In this write-up, you will learn how to set up DirectX using Wines. It's not easy, but it's not really difficulteither. And after that, the globe's your oyster. I wish you will take pleasure in this information, plus you get a few dandy Tropico 3screenshots.

A full evaluation will come later. Stick to me. Install WineThis is usually simple. Simply open up the deal manager and install the software program.Configure DirectX librariesThis is definitely the almost all complicated step of all. But perform not be concerned, you obtain everything, step by stage. Launch Wineconfiguration.

You can possibly do it via the Application menus in your distro, Wine Configure Wine or by running winecfg from the command line. As soon as the mainmenu starts, click on the Your local library tab.This tabs allows you to designate the behavior of various DLLs and override the achievable defaults. To get DirectXrunning, you will require a lengthy list of DLLs outlined. The first step is certainly to click on the Newoverride dropdown container image and broaden the listing. Research for the chemical3d8 DLL.As soon as found, click on Include.It will become added to the Existing overrides checklist like this: g3d8 (builtin,native). This is certainly not what we need.

Therefore, you must choose thé DLL in the Iistand click on Edit. Then, modify the settings to builtin only.There'h a extremely long listing of DLLs and specifying them personally would be a pain. Fortunately, you can crack the Wineregistry straight and add the desired overrides as a checklist into the file, without heading through the manual processof specifying each one making use of the GUI. To edit the registry, open the file in text message publisher (e.g. Gedit):gedit /.wine/user.regIn the document, appear for the section labeled DllOverrides:In this section, you can copy insert the whole list of DLL overrides required.

Cara Download dan Install DirectX Di Windows Unknown Sunday, August 11, 2013. Semua sistem operasi Windows modern menyertakan DirectX secara default jadi. Ask gimana cara update directx 11.1 menjadi directx 12 di windows 10. Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by ferymalik, Aug 9, 2015. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next ferymalik.

You can find the whole listin excellent article. Duplicate the whole selection, save the document and escape. The next time you launch Wineconfiguration, the overrides will become loaded. Eventually, you'll observe something like this:This can be the very first step. Today, we require to setup some core documents.Setup primary filesThese data files may or may not really be required, but it will not harm to have them anyway. The two documents in question aremscoree.dll ánd streamci.dll. Thé first can be a modulecontaining.NET Framework features, the following is definitely a collection used to set up streaming equipment devices.

You cancopy these data files from your Windows installations, if you have some, or downIoad them from thé internet. A good onlinesource that provides these document is.Common adviceIn general, when you have got to download DLLs or similar files from the web, it will be often a great idea to stay toreputable resources, compare the file size and hash to those advertised by Microsoft and probably also upload thefiles tó orfor a pérfunctory check out. You can also check out the status of the web site providing DLLs using a neighborhood servicelike (WOT). In this case, DLL-files will get a pretty decent.Anyhow, back again to our topic, down load the two documents and duplicate them to the Wine system32 folder.cp mscoree.dll /.wines/drivec/windows/systém32/cp streamci.dll /.wines/drivec/windows/systém32/The following step is usually to download thé DirectX 9.0c redistributable package.Download DirectX 9.0cYou need the deal, because the installation earned't deal with the on-line installer well.

Fallout 4 mod manager. Once the file isdownloaded, operate the executable with Wine. Note: Microsoft tends to modify the download links right now and after that, so ifthe link above is definitely broken, Google for it.wines directx9credist.exeThis will start a sorcerer, which will question you to take the permit and draw out the documents to a foIder. Choose anyfolder ánd acquire the files now there.Install DirectX 9.0cNavigate to the folder and run the real DirectX set up:wine dxsetup.exeThe installer should complete without any issues. It will request you to reboot, but you do not need to do that.Check DirectX 9.0cRight now, let's test. Go to the program32 folder (inside the.wines folder) and operate /.wine/drivec/windows/systém32/dxdiag.exeIf everything went as it shouId, you should possess DirectX set up and allowed.

You can ignore most of the device anddriver info, since we're carrying out a rather decent crack here.Set up Direct MusicIf you also wish to have got enhanced good results and whatnot, you will require another car owner. The document in questionis known as gm.dls ánd you can discover it listed on several websites, accessible for download. Once again, use discretionwhen downloading files like this. Create sure they are digitally signed by Microsoft, with the proper dimension and hashvalue. Similarly, checking these documents against Jotti ór VirusTotal may not harm. If you possess Windows installed,look for the file on your machine.

Duplicate the document to system32/drivers:cp gm.dls /.wines/drivec/windows/systém32/drivers/After carrying out this, rerun dxdiag and check out the Music tab.Set up additional filesYour video games may furthermore require extra DLLs that are not found above. You will discover this just afterinstalling them and running them, which is definitely the phase below. If you have got already discovered online referrals thatmention additional DLLs are required for your video games, then you can set up them before attempting the sport, savingyourself period.For instance, Tropico 3 needs d3dx941.dll, without which the game begin willfail. The over subset consists of just d3dx924.dll and d3dx936.dll, but not the most recent one. No concerns, mind toDLL-files.cóm and download thé lacking product(s).Install and check your games!Time to consider your games. In my situation, Tropico 3 set up without any complications, followed by the 1.04 repair, whichsolves plenty of problems in the initial game. Beginning the video game without the chemical3dx941.dll resulted in a failure, butonce I replicated the lacking item into the program32 folder, everything worked good.

The sport runs smoothly actually onhigh level - considering the hacks we just did, this is impressive. The sound quality is usually great. The video game isstable. It's really a satisfaction. A true blast!What more, you can create things faster even more!TweaksWine prints lots of debugging messages to the console, slowing points down a little bit. You can certainly enhance theperformance by prepending a Wine debug atmosphere variable to the wines command range, permitting yourself also moreFrames Per 2nd (FPS) in your video games.Just run the sport executable like this:WINEDEBUG=-all wines Example:WINEDEBUG=-just about all wine Tropico3.exeConclusionThere you go, a ideal, foolproof guide to how yóu can configure ánd set up DirectX in Linux.

It'h not easyand definitely not meant for brand-new customers, but if you're willing to commit some period, you can certainly expand therange of options your Linux system offers you.Many thanks a lot to for obtaining a excellent reference! Properly, that would end up being all. Stay tuned for Tropico testimonials.I'meters going to compose both about the fresh game mainly because properly as the old, Tropico 2: Pirate Cove.Regards.